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Blog | Nik Bucci

Engineers Across Centuries

Nik Bucci

"Vermont Quarterly magazine promotes the achievement, aspiration, heritage, and spirit of the University of Vermont community with a publication that is relevant, editorially and visually compelling, and highly readable." 
The magazine is sent out to thousands of Alumni, parents of students, and friends of UVM all over the country, making the back cover story Engineers Across Centuries my most significant publication by far. Huge shoutout to my patient friends Sara Dorr, Dylan Columbia, Joe Laughlin, Nick Gulino, Taylor Leaska, Libby Coleman, and Max Hoover, for being as good looking as they are clever and helping me make this silly vision come to life!
Check out the full article here

BPR: July 4th Midnight Blaze at Henry Street Deli

Nik Bucci

A fire broke out in the stairwell leading to the residence at 13 Henry Street, directly above the Henry Street Deli. Nobody was injured in the blaze and the exact cause of the fire is still unknown. The majority of the fire damage was contained within the now charred stairwell, although the upstairs residence and Henry Street Deli sustained significant smoke and water damage. The fire likely began 10-20 minutes before the video on the right was taken by a North Street resident at 1:06am who saw and heard signs of the fire in the early hours of the morning. Jon Cahoon, better known by his nickname Bear, says "It was pretty wild, we saw the glow and smoke in the sky so we ran over from North Street. We made sure somebody already called the police then some wires started to snap so we took a step back. The fire department showed up shortly after and they killed that thing, it was was mostly out after a few minutes". Nobody knows when the building will be back in working order, but we wish the residents and the frying pans at Henry Street Deli a speedy recovery.

Video by: Jon Cahoon (Bear)  [1:06am]

Spring Break | Guadeloupe

Nik Bucci